Find Your New

Using Peruzer

You Need the Perfect

but without having to do so much research online! What if you could get all the info you need in seconds

Think about how long it takes for you to find a car that fits perfectly to your needs. Should you search for used cars or new? Should you go for the SUV or the van. Whats the difference?

What We Do

Peruzer simplifies the entire process by letting you take a short quiz to find a list of exactly what you need.

That new car? You'll have a list of the best rated vehicles that match as many of your specifications as possible! All done within a couple minutes!

How Does It Work?

There will be two types of quizzes: a set of curated quizzes that calls upon our own curated database and a user generated quiz system with a wiki-style database.

We You Find What You Need

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