4 Essential VR/AR Marketing Tips

Implementing virtual or augmented reality into a project can be confusing when it comes to deciding between all of the hardware options. We completely understand how that feels, so we’ve put together a straightforward guide for choosing between the technologies.

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Choosing VR Hardware for Your Project

Memorable marketing is extremely hard to attain in today’s digital marketing environment; ad clicks are rarely intentional, and ad blockers are rampant. Creating truly unique experiences is the key to customer acquisition and information retention. As immersive mediums, virtual and augmented reality are the two most effective tools for cultivating customer awareness and engagement. Effective usage of the two can significantly improve your marketing and branding results. Here are four quick tips to make that happen.

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Typography for Blogs

Building a beautiful reading experience is a lot harder than it looks. On the surface, you’ve heard a couple of rules and thought, “yeah if I follow these rules, I’ll have 90% of what a great blogging platform has.” Reality is a little bit more complicated:

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Static Site Generators

Static Website Generators are an increasingly popular tool for web development. Many developers including myself find static site generators to be incredibly convenient and powerful tools; this very blog was made with a static site generator. Why exactly is this a trend? Let’s get into it.

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Zero to One

Zero to One - Notes on Startups, or How to Build the Future is a book based on the lectures of Peter Theil and the notes of Blake Masters. The original notes are legendarily meticulous, and the book is itself a curated and refactored collection of those notes.

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